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Mushishi guide redone by @Kitsune Chan

Hello to everyone reading this guide. The reason why I update this guide is that her kits got reworked like…… 4-5 months ago? Anyway, my old Mushishi guide is outdated as her immobilisation done by Returning Butterfly (s2 in butterfly form) is removed but as a compromise, her shield-granting and healing in butterfly form got increased in order to not be under-performanced during the whole match. I'll be adding some builds and onmyodo for Mushishi. Now off to her skills first.


Dream of Metamorphosis (Passive):

  • In Butterfly form, every 1 extra hp is converted to 0.04 ap (Ability Power). This allows Mushishi to poke harder and deal more damage to enemies.
  • In Self-actualisation (Human) form, every 1 extra ap is converted to 2.8 hp, making her survival enhanced.

Cleansing Dream (ult):

Mushishi removes her and her allies from cc (excluding banished and suppressed by Otake and Bakekuji respectively) and grants extra movement speed to herself (in Self-actualisation form) and her allies within her AoE range for 5 seconds, allowing them to chase or escape.

Now off to Self-actualisation form first:

Dormant Chrysalis (s1):

Mushishi attaches to her ally, entering Butterfly form, making her untargeted to enemy shikigamis. However, if caught by cc while trying to attach, she may not enter butterfly form.

Among Flowers (s2):

Mushishi dashes and immoblises enemies for 1 second, allowing her to buy some time for her allies to escape or enter. This skill also helps Mushishi escape enemies in pursuit.

Insect Dance (s3):

Mushishi grants herself extra movement speed and deals damage to enemies she hits, granting shields for the former. Hitting enemy shikigamis increases her shield by threefold of the shield caused by hitting minions. This makes her tank, allowing her to survive during the teamfight. It also allows her to escape or chase enemies.

Next up, we move on to Butterfly form.

Insect Awaken (s1): Mushishi leaves her ally she attaches to and enters Self-actualisation form. Usually, this does not deal any damage nor can it knock up enemies. At every regular interval, this skill is enhanced, allowing her to knock up and deal damage to enemies she lands, preventing enemies from escaping or using skills to hit allies. Landing on each shikigami will reduce the cooldown of skill enhancement by 0.5 seconds.

Returning Butterfly (s2):

Mushishi can poke enemies during lane phase and slow them down, dealing damage to the latter she hits while also granting a stack of Insect Trace up to 6 stacks. Hitting minions and monsters grants her 1 stack of Insect Trace. Hitting shikigamis gains 3 stacks instead. Each Insect Trace heals hp for herself and her ally she attaches to when her flight ends, enhancing the latter’s survival during the teamfight. Use Insect Awaken (s1) to fly in the selected area and deal damage, also granting 1-3 of Insect Trace stacks depending on which enemies she hit with. Once the stacks of Insect Trace reach maximum, you may either press Returning Butterfly (s2) to end her flight early to heal her ally and herself so that the former can survive during the crucial moment of the teamfight, or continue flying to deal more damage to enemies. Take note that you have to use your left joystick (movement button) to fly around.

Butterfly Shelter (s3):

Mushishi grants her ally, whom she attaches to, extra movement speed and shield, enhancing the latter’s survival during the teamfight. It also allows the latter to escape or chase.


Tank Build


Asakusa Glow is recommended to buy as ADC (markman) shikigami tends to use up their MP easily. This item restores HP and MP to equipper and allies within the range, allowing Mushishi and her allies to use skills without recalling to the base.


After Asakusa Glow, Swift Boots is needed to increase her movement speed in case Dormant Chrysalis is on cooldown. This allows her to escape or chase enemies.


Early Ningyo Soulstone increases her HP which also increase AP in Butterfly Form and MP. MP is further increased each time enemy is dead up to 800 extra MP, allowing you to use skills more often without having to recall to regain MP.


After buying Ningyo Soulstone, you need to buy Boots of Purity to reduce skills and spells cooldown, allowing her to use skills and spells more often.


Shichimen Tennyo increases her HP and AP which in turn increases her HP further in Self-Actualisation Form, allowing her to survive during the teamfight after using Insect Awaken (S1). Each time an ability hit an enemy shikigami stacks wearer’s extra damage by 1% up to 5 stacks. At maximum stacks, it further increases the damage and grant wearer shield for 5 seconds. It has same passive effect of Soul Infusion as Ningyo Soulstone.


If enemy team has ADC shikigamis (Chin, Miketsu, Yoto, Joro, to name a few), Hoko Do is a good counter against them. Hoko Do can disbuff those who AA hit you, healing reduction and reduced speed attack by 15%.


Mid and Late games requires survival of the fittest. In long term, Yata no Kagami provides benefits to Mushishi as more overall HP is converted to AP, allowing Mushishi to deal more damage and provide more shield to whom she attach to. Yata no Kagami also recovers her HP when not taken damage from enemies, especially in Butterfly Form, allowing her to be refreshed when leaving her ally to support the team.



If the enemy team has two or more magic shikigamis like Shira, Taisha or Kinnara, etc., it would make more difficult for said magic shikigami(s) to one-shot you.

Moonlight Medication is another alternative magic survival build if the enemy team has cc (crowd control) shikigamis like Miketsu, YukiD and majority of mage shikigamis to name a few. This item reduces the cc duration, allowing her to use skill earlier.


After buying said magic item, it is important to buy Gates of Amanoiwato (requires to buy Boots items) to put bought Boots into exclusive movement slot so that the last item will be completed as whole build.


Frosty Moonlight deals extra damage and slows enemy (or enemies) down within the small AoE when hit by wearer’s skill, allowing your team to chase or escape. This is useful when your team is under pressure or to prevent enemy (or enemies) from escaping or chasing.

AP (or damage-dealer) Build


Same as tank build, Asakusa Glow needs to be bought straight away as ADC tends to run out MP which has disadvantage during lane phrase and may not be able to enter combat mode.


Same as tank build, Swift Boots is needed to increase her movement speed in case Dormant Chrysalis is on cooldown.


In AP build, it is recommended to buy Soul Infusion as Mushishi in Butterfly Form needs to deal more damage to enemies. Having recovery of MP when used skills and more MP regen, she can able [sic] to use skills more often without having to recall.


In this AP build, Demonic Boots is a reliable item for Mushishi as Demonic Boots can penetrate enemy’s (or enemies’) magic resistance, especially those who build magic resistance items like Ninth Heaven Wing. If the enemy team do not have any tank shikigamis like KuroD, Hououga, Vampira, or Zashiki, you can buy either Takemikazuchi Boots (magic resist boots) or Boots of Purity as the former can reduce control inflicted on you and the latter is for spells and skills cooldown reduction.